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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Qoute of the Day

This is taken from my mum's status at FB,

"..You can think best when you're happiest ..."

Love it,


A Day without I

Have you ever tried not using Internet for a day, even if you are able to surf it? I did. It was good. I can do a lot of other things, can focus more one my works... without get distracted by anything that is related with Inet.

Yeah, Inet is important, but... I dont want it too take lots of my time... perhaps I should reduce the usage of Inet in my daily life....

hee, its morning, so...

good morning


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nasi Lemak

Keblakangan ni asyik makan nasi lemak, knapa? sbab,

1) Sedap
2) Murah

Harap2 jerawat nda tumbuh la...


Monday, August 9, 2010

Time Machine

I love editing video, pics... audio. Sometimes, it feels like a time machine. I started editing at 9pm, the next thing I know is it was already 1 am. hee, I wanted to continue, but, there are other things more important, such as our health.

well... I guess it is time to sleep(definately :-P)



Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tired But Enjoyed

Waw... the 1st week of august was a busy week for me... I feel that that this coming weeks will be even busy than before... need to manage my time....


Even it's was busy, i enjoyed doing all the works... because God gave me the strength that i needed...

Thank you God,


Friday, August 6, 2010


I got this pic from a friend, its so cute!! I mean, the dog and the cat...


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2 Days!!

Yay, i manage to survive without Internet for 2 days! heeeee~

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