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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Main drum masa Sakit

Huih..... ssah mau focus la bila main drum msa sakit.... hanya dgn kekuatan dri Tuhan sja tu yg dpt mnolong... Syukur la smuanya bjalan dgn baik... ada la skit2 slack... hehe....

Thanks God


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Aiya.. tengah malam mcm ni pun ada urg mau main letup2... bagus klau palan bunyi dia, ini yg mcm bom atom ba! mcm mna la urg mau tidur ni.... stiap kali ada letupan, trus urg kluar beranda teriak2.... menggangu baitu letupan....

hee, bkn marah ni


Sunday, October 24, 2010

5A stick

Today I used my 5A vic firth drum stick with Peter Erskine signature, never taught that it was so good using that stick! I always taught that 5A sticks makes me uncomfortable... hehe, i should try it earlier!


Friday, October 8, 2010

From ENGLISH class

I remembered a conversation from my English class, the lecturer asked us a question, and it was something like this;

"If you are given a chance to live life again, what would you change?"

then a friend of mine answered,

"I wouldn't change anything. "

I kinda agree with what my friend said. I'm satisfied with my life now. Every good and bad things that I had experienced gave a different lesson to me.

Thank you God because You have given me a wonderful life, Im so grateful.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Skarang 6 oktober 2010, jam 12 stangah pm, online d library KLMU.... FB mcm tiba2 x dpt access, mungkin ada site problem... sedang tunggu kelas jam 2pm baini, lma lg...

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