Yay! Finally I've got a chance to go and see for myself the "glass house" of Akademi Fantasia 9(AF9)! I only able to see it on my TV screen before...
Located in Aeou Au2 Setiawangsa Shopping Mall, the house is placed at the center of the mall. The mall was quite, hmm... less-busy. It was smaller than what it looks on TV. It feels great to see the candidates in real-life, especially seeing those from Sabah, Nera and Lena. Yeah, buli bah klau kau!! :-)
I'm thinking of going there for the second time with my friends, such a great experience to share!
Please vote for the Sabah ( ceh, promote!) :-P
Glass house, wait for the 2nd coming!~~

Students went out for their lunch~