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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Broga Hill Hiking Trip

Brrooooogaaaaa Hiiiilll!! I just came back from Broga Hill with my church choir members, they organized a hiking trip there, and I decided to join them. Broga Hill is located at Semenyih, which, I don't quite know the details :-P

We start moving from church around 4 a.m., and we reached there around 50 minutes later. There were a couple of tolls on the way though... After reaching there, we gathered around for 20 minutes, had fellowship together and Bible-sharing together.

Around 5am we started the hiking, it was raining for a few minutes, but yet we decided to wait for 10 minutes, praise the Lord, the rain stopped not long after that. The path was dark, and I forgot to bring torchlight, all I have was a flashlight, which, I borrowed from a friend. At that time I remembered the word of God from Psalm 119:105- "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Without the light, we can't see in the dark.

At the highest peak, 400m

There were a few checkpoints, and at that time there were lot of people hiking as well. some parts are really steep, but then it still enjoyable to hike. We reached the highest peak around 6am, lots of groups were there, waiting for the sunrise. After resting there, we decided to use another way to went back, unfortunately, we got lost and we head back to the peak. From there we use the path that we use to come up to get down. It was fun when going down the hills, I run-sprint-jump and it was so cooolll!! :-D finally we reached the starting point, and we got ourself coconut juice (air kelapa haha), and it was around 8am.

The way that led us to unknown area :-P

While going down

The trip was awesome, thank you God for the protection, guidance and the whether. Yay!!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

10 file-sharing sites banned(Malaysia)

These are the list of the sites:


This situation has led into a cyber war, where hacker are planning to hack Malaysian government portal. A group called "Anonymous Hacker" are attempting to launch attack on the site. More info at

Wow, i guess we should also be aware for war in the net, not only real-life war.


Friday, June 10, 2011

SS501 members solo


It's a korean male group which consists of 5 members, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Hyung Jun, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min and Heo Young Saeng. All of them released their own solo except for Kyu Jong. Here are their solo's:

Kim Hyun Joong - Let Me Go + Please + Break Down [Solo Debut Stage]

Kim Hyung Jun - Girl
he have another solo also, titled "OH AH"

Heo Young Saeng - Let It Go

Park Jung Min - Not Alone

I believe that SS501 fans are waiting for Kyu Jong's solo release in the future, looking forward to that!

A fan of ss501


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