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Monday, August 8, 2011

Sabahan Movie "Aku Masa Depanku"

Hi! Today I want to show you a sabahan movie titled "aku masa depanku", in english is "me my future" (direct translation LoL :-D) This movie was directed by my friend, Ezra, which is the main cast in the film. He did this for his final project for his course. You guys can stream his videos in Youtube, but I will still post it here. Enjoy!

**woi ezra sya kasi promote ni vid kau, blanja sya makan haha**


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Google Translator errors

Human sometimes have trouble in translating meaning to different languages. Machines are just the same. Here are some errors I got from a facebook friend, where he listed the errors regarding the popular online translator, Google Translator.


Click on the picture to enlarge

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunny Hill - Midnight Circus

This is MV from a kpop group called "Sunny Hill" under Leon Entertainment. I love this MV bcuz it has it own uniqueness from the others, the concept used are so mysterious, the song sounds pretty haunted, but that's cool! Really love the intro guitar! Watch the MV below :



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