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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sabahan at Korea MBC

Wow! I'm proud to be Sabahan, want to know why? Check this video, it's on Facebook:

Sorry guys, I cant embed it...


Monday, October 10, 2011

Un-updated Blog

Wow, hi guys!! It's been quite long since my last post here, missed lots of updates... yeah, sorry :-)

Why am I not updating my blog? Here's the reason; I got a job already!! Well, not a job actually, it's my internship, I started 1 month ago, and i have 2 more months... Then, I will be working like a true-worker!!(hahaha :-P)

I have to get use to the working environment as well as adjusting my day-life schedule. Before this I have a lot time to rest during the day, but now I have to work, thanks to the Lord, He gave me strength help me on my day :)

I couldn't think much on what I wanted to write right now, but I'll try to update this blog, you guys just have to wait, yeah...

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