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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Week

Hmm... Brlalu sda minggu yg pnuh dgn cabaran2, mcm2 la ada! Dari kenaikan sampai keturunan, tiada kedudukan. (apa kaitan? :-P)

Summarize of the week(21 Nov - 27 Nov 2010)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Crita Lucu-Lucu

4 orang bakal ayah sedang menunggu di bilik menunggu di Hospital sementara isteri masing-masing sedang berjuang untuk melahirkan anak. Kemudian keluar nurse dan memberitahu kepada ayah pertama, "Tahniah, kamu sekarang telah menjadi ayah kepada kembar dua!". "Mungkin satu kebetulan" kata ayah pertama. " Saya bekerja di Twin Star Enterprised"...

Kemudian keluar pula nurse lain dan memberitahu kepada ayah kedua, "Tahniah! awak mendapat anak kembar tiga!" "Wooow!, mungkin satu kebetulan.." jawab ayah kedua."Saya kerja di 3M Corporation"...

Keluar pula nurse lain dan memberitahu ayah ke ketiga,"Congratulation! isteri you dapat kembar empat," "Alhamdulillah! Mungkin juga satu kebetulan". Saya kerja di Four Season Hotel!"

Pada masa ini ayah yang ke empat kelihatan amat tidak menentu dan gelisah. Kesemua ayah-ayah yang menunggu pun bertanya, "kenapa risau sangat??" Jawab ayah keempat,"Saya bekerja di Seven-eleven"...


Thursday, November 18, 2010


Td ba, lpas sya "membeli-belah" sna kedai runcit, sya trus balik la pgi rumah. Sampai ja d depan pintu rumah, bru sya sedar, ada kucing pla ikut2 sya, cumil tp comot! Mimang obvious la kucing urang sebab ada lonceng d leher dia.

Sya pgi sini, dia ikut. Sya pgi sana, dia ikut. Trus sya kasi masuk dia dlm rumah, skijap ja la....

Nda lama lpas tu sya keluar balik pgi buang sampah. Ada pula dia menunggu d depan pintu. aih... dia ikut sya pgi buang sampah jga. Sampai ja d rumah, sya buka pintu, trus laju dia masuk! Nda mau keluar lg tu! Dia betapuk d bawah sofa, sya pgi ambil dia, dia gigit tangan sya... ai, ni kucing kn, mmg kuat main oh... pas tu sya angkat dia, trus kasi keluar.

kjap, sya pgi cek dlu klau dia msh ada d luar atau nda....

oooooo..... Tiada sda..


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Times Square Theme Park Indoor

Waa... Im so tired! but yet enjoyed!

My church friends, Wilma, Rowena, Vivian, Ahtoy and myself went to Berjaya Times Square Indoor Theme Park after the sunday service and performance at SIB Wangsa Permai. We arrived there around 2pm.

After buying the ticket, we decided to go for the "Robo Crash", an entertaining-car-crashing-with-other-people game. Very fun! After that we went for the roller coster, waw... never ride one before, it feels so.... I cant explain it!(hehe) Next was the "Space Attack", that one was a really really really scary game! Im not good at explaining what and how the game was, but, it was something connected with speed and height. Totally scary. After that we tried "Dizzy-izzy", as the name suggested, it really makes me dizzy, until I was like sick for hours! It caused me to vomit a few times... ewww.....

We also tried a couple games that were designed for children. I think the train is the best one, when we were inside the cave, my friends outfit glowed in the dark. Coooooollll!! Before leaving, we did play the "Robo Crash" for a few times, it was great!

Today's experience is one of the most greatest experience that I will never forget. Thanks to Wilma, Rowena, Vivian and Ahtoy for the wonderful experience! But the most thanks is to our God Jesus Christ that have been guiding and protecting us through this day. Thanks God!

This is the picture, taken by Rowena, at the "Robo Crash" area, we took the picture the person who are in charge there at that time, a good person btw:


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trip To Zoo Negara

Yesterday(10.11.10), our class with other classes went to Zoo Negara as a volunteer, helping workers there. We have been assigned into a few groups, 5 person in a group. My group and I, which is Fadzil, Mus, Bob, Hafiz and I have been located to clean up the area of munyits(monkey) and birds.

What we have done is just gathered the dried leaves, help to feed the animals and clean the animals cage. Pretty fun, though.. hehe. Our team also had the chance to watch the animal show, it was at 11 am and 3pm. I also have the opportunity to watch animals that I only seen in TV before. The giraffe is very "high"- haha, and the Elephants are large! Sadly, I didnt see the penguins, crocs, and fish that have the same name with me, "Danio someting".. :-(

Well, everyone looked exhausted, but in the end, it was a great experience to be able to meet all kinds of animals and doing the volunteering works. I will be going there next time for sure, as a visitor.

Btw, it cost my friend and I rm40++ just for transport for this Zoo Negara trip, but, what is Rm40++ compared to happy memories at Zoo Negara, it is priceless.

This is me, taken by my friend Qayyim, nice;


Sunday, November 7, 2010


"Do we need more time? Or do we need to be more disciplined with the time we have?"


Kerry Johnson

Nice one,

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