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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Week

Hmm... Brlalu sda minggu yg pnuh dgn cabaran2, mcm2 la ada! Dari kenaikan sampai keturunan, tiada kedudukan. (apa kaitan? :-P)

Summarize of the week(21 Nov - 27 Nov 2010)

22 NOV:
Presentation for GLOBAL ISSUE klaz. Spatutnya kmi ada 4 org present, tp yg satu blum balik dri Sabah lg, jd 3 org ja la kmi. Presentation was okay, and we didnt expect to get high marks, but what surprises us is that, our lecturer gave us very high mark! Woooww! Nda cukup tidur lg tu!

23 NOV:

Ada mid-term utk subjek ENTREPRENEURSHIP, yg syok dia buli bincang. hahaha....

24 NOV:
Ada klas pagi & petang. panat...

25 NOV:
Before klas at 1pm, My friends and I help to collect donation on lvl 3 Blok A. Kinda fun, hee..

26 NOV:

Ada presentation utk subjek ADVERTISING & PROMOTION, we are in a group of 5. It went well, though there are some mistakes "here-and-there". Honestly, it was a last minute preparation.

In the evening, went to church to help to decorate the church for the "Pentas Rohani Kanak2" event. It was fun!! Although we slept very-very late... : ) I did the design for the title, it reactivated my mood for coloring... hee!

27 NOV:
slept at around 5am. Woke up around 7 am. Still ngantuk-ing. I joined the event, it was superb! The kids sure have a lot of talents.. Event finished around 12pm. At 3, practice for pre-krismas, and then at 4pm, practice for the sunday service. After that, around 8pm, joined the choir to John's house, eat wogoks there and finally came home around 10pm.


Yeah, that sums up what I did in the week. It was busy, but it was fun! I enjoyed and learned a lot of things in the week. Now, a new week has come, what will happen next?


p/s - sorry, mix language

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