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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Waa, its 25 December!! Merry Christmas to all! Some of you might not know what is the meaning in celebrating Christmas, it is to celebrate our saviour, Jesus Christ that has been born into this world long time ago.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

Christmas Eve
Our church was having service on the Christmas eve, it started around 9pm and ended at 11pm... I dun quite remember. After that my friends and I went to Uptown Damansara Pasar Malam(actually I dont what is the real name) just for sight-viewing. Our group consists of Al, Atoy, Wima, Stacey, Duncan, Lula, Viviane, Irish and myself.

The place is similar to Petaling Street, except that the shops in this area are mostly filled by malays. It was a big place, there are stalls that sell outfits, glasses, shoes.... and also animals. I got the chance to touch a yellow snake! Yay, weird feeling but a great experience :-) There are also stalls that sell toys. I bought myself a Chipmonk doll, cost me rm6. (Im not good at negotiating with people :-P) Others bought accessories, such as ring, with their name carved on it.

We was there until around 1pm when we decided to leave for home. That night I slept at Al's house.

Christmas Day
Service started at 9am, and pst. Miun from SIB Cheras Awana is preaching on that morning. After service we went for open house at Bro. Alfo house. It was my first time being in their new house, it was beautiful :-) Around 2pm we left the house to send Atoy to the airport. When arriving there, the atmosphere around the airport made me wanted to return to my hometown.. huhu, missing Sabah so much! I arrived at home later at 5pm, it was raining heavily.


Im so glad that I have the chance to celebrate Christmas, eventhough I am celebrating it not with my family, but I am with my family in Christ. Merry Christmas!

My rm6.00 Chipmunk :-P

** I wish I had a camera so that I can capture my moments of life**


Friday, December 17, 2010

Very The Cold

Huuhhh.... The day is very cold, from afternoon until now is raining, even the fan is switched off.... Very cold until i think twice for shower, but i should not not-shower, because its no good and not clean.... but i hope that it rain until tommorow so that can sleep enjoyly tonite...

Sorry, brain is freezing,...

better go to shower now, it will turn colder later...

Shivering kunun...


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Liu Wei

Have you heard of the name Liu Wei? I guess most of you dont know him. He is a 23 year old pianist from China, who won the China's Got Talent 2010 held a few months ago.

He was born normal, but at 10 years old, while he was playing hide and seek with his friends, he got electric shocked which causes the lost of both arms. He was blessed with great parents that keep on supporting him and give him courage to live as a normal person.

This is the audition that he attended at the beginning of the season :

"I think I only have two choices in life, either die now or live a wonderful life."

This is the final performance of him in the season:

Without both hands, he still manage to play piano and live like a normal person. I dont know what is the feeling of living without my two hands, it must be very-very-very hard.... But, what I know is, I have to use what God have given to me, and be grateful to what I have now.

We may be depressed or feeling down because of certain reasons, but remember, there are others who are worse than us, but they manage to overcome the situation and have a great life, and Liu Wei is one of them. So, enough complaining and live your life splendidly.

Live to inspire,


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Choir Performance

I just came home from Tropicanna Mall, where our church choir team performed christmas songs. It was my 1st time there, lots of christmas decoration there, very nice.... I am not a choir member, so I didnt perform with them...

So, what did I do? hehe, I took pictures of them performing, thanks to Viviane, because of her camera I am able take pictures, but not all of it... I hope that the pictures will be good, :-P

Anyway, its nice to see their performing, a great performance... Although lots of the choir member have went back to their hometown, they still can do it well, because everyone is doing the best they could. Cheers to them! : )

It was a great experience joining them, hmm, some of them asked me when should I join the choir... maybe next time? :-P

Here are some of the pics:

p/s : I kinda fall in love with dslr after using Viviane's camera :-P

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