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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Promote: Sabahan Singers

Yo! Ramai suda artis2 di Facebook skrang, tidak kurang jga artis dari Sabah, wuuhuu!!! Di sini sya mem-feature-kan dua sabahan yang sya jumpa di Facebook, enjoy!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Camouflaged animals!!!

Wow! Very cool camouflaged by various type of animals! Ever wonder why human don't get this kind of skills?

 It's because we are gifted with a powerful brain :) 
Enjoy the pics~!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Taekwondo "Finger" Performance in Korea

Waachhhaaaa!!! Tired of tekwondo? no worries, you can just use your fingers!

 "Read more" for video!

Glenn Fredly ft. Indra Lesmana - Sobat @ Mostly Jazz

A very-professional performance!!! I always wonder, how do they produce this kind of music, the teamwork, the feel.. enjoy! 


Monday, December 5, 2011

【LIVE 2011】 DIMENSION - The Winds Of Change

I really2 love the drum here, it has the breakbeat feel... uh yeah!

On my practice-list already!!!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Backheel Penalty by Theyab Awana

Bored to see how normal soccer player take a penalty kick? Then you should watch this, an interesting penalty kick, and it's quite cool too!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

[MTV] Stacy - Kasanova

Enjoy! Bitw I heard Stacy said, "sumandak digoda" in the lyrics.

Go go Stacy!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nokia Flexy-flexy?

Wah, will the future phone will be something like this? People sure have great ideas in designing new concept for phones... but the most important thing is, user-friendly.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ice Cream 1Malaysia New Addition

Yay! The 1Malaysia supermarket has released a new flavour for ice-cream, yam flavour!! I hope they add more as the only flavours in the list are chocolate, strawberry and vanila. Support local Ice-cream!!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cute Chrome!!!

Have you ever crossed this when using Google Chrome? This is so cute!!!


Friday, November 11, 2011

Uto : Sleep Late

Wuhu! This is my short 2d animation, I did it for my project, finally uploaded it... Pictures are done by photoshop and animated it using macromedia flash.


Female Drummer:Veronica Bellino

This female drummer is so cool! Her fills buli mengalahkan saya, hehe! Enjoy watching!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Subway Drum

Wahh... cuba la klau ada mcm ni di stesen lrt atau ktm... syok! 



It's Saturday! Tried to wake up late but my body is fixed with the 7:30am wake-time. Today I will be working too(yeah, sad), but not the whole day. Thanks God for the coming holiday on next Monday, I can get some extra rest.

I don't have much to put now, just updating my blog, perhaps I should change my blog layout, it looks kinda old... Anyway, enjoy life, give thanks to the Lord and have a blessed weekend!!

Enjoy this latest song from Norazo, "The Top Salesman"

I want to drive a speedy car while listening this song :-P


Friday, November 4, 2011

Starting The Day

Malam ni ada latihan untuk pra-krismas zon 1, I am quite nervous, still haven't fully mastered all songs... Hope that I am ready for tonignt...

It's raining this morning, if only I can continue my sleep.... huuaaaahh.... Gudmorning everyone!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

SIBPJ:Walk of Faith

SIBPJ Production has release a short video clip titled "Walk of Faith". Will you walk by faith in God? 

Enjoy ~


World Longest Header Goal

Be amazed by this goal ~ ~


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sabahan at Korea MBC

Wow! I'm proud to be Sabahan, want to know why? Check this video, it's on Facebook:

Sorry guys, I cant embed it...


Monday, October 10, 2011

Un-updated Blog

Wow, hi guys!! It's been quite long since my last post here, missed lots of updates... yeah, sorry :-)

Why am I not updating my blog? Here's the reason; I got a job already!! Well, not a job actually, it's my internship, I started 1 month ago, and i have 2 more months... Then, I will be working like a true-worker!!(hahaha :-P)

I have to get use to the working environment as well as adjusting my day-life schedule. Before this I have a lot time to rest during the day, but now I have to work, thanks to the Lord, He gave me strength help me on my day :)

I couldn't think much on what I wanted to write right now, but I'll try to update this blog, you guys just have to wait, yeah...


Monday, August 8, 2011

Sabahan Movie "Aku Masa Depanku"

Hi! Today I want to show you a sabahan movie titled "aku masa depanku", in english is "me my future" (direct translation LoL :-D) This movie was directed by my friend, Ezra, which is the main cast in the film. He did this for his final project for his course. You guys can stream his videos in Youtube, but I will still post it here. Enjoy!

**woi ezra sya kasi promote ni vid kau, blanja sya makan haha**


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Google Translator errors

Human sometimes have trouble in translating meaning to different languages. Machines are just the same. Here are some errors I got from a facebook friend, where he listed the errors regarding the popular online translator, Google Translator.


Click on the picture to enlarge

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunny Hill - Midnight Circus

This is MV from a kpop group called "Sunny Hill" under Leon Entertainment. I love this MV bcuz it has it own uniqueness from the others, the concept used are so mysterious, the song sounds pretty haunted, but that's cool! Really love the intro guitar! Watch the MV below :



Friday, July 15, 2011

Ice-cream 1Malaysia

This is the small package

Wow!! I love 1Malaysia(1M) ice-cream! It comes with 3 flavours, strawberry, chocolate and vanila. Haven't tried the vanila, but all I can say about the other 2 is, the taste are great! The best part is the price, rm 1.99 for smaller package and rm2.99 for the bigger one. This is definately a worthy product to be bought. Thumbs up for 1Malaysia product, can't get this anywhere, only in Malaysia!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

John Gaisah - Miniagal oh sinsing

This an old dusun song, but it still captures my heart, I love this song!


hem…. Hem…. Hem
hem…. Hem…. Hem
miniagal oh sinsing
poinsulung id tunturu ya
tanda dagai do misanganu
tanda dagai do miginawo

sinsing di pointopot
di au nodi oidu idu
tanda do poingirot oh ginawo
tanda do aiso suai sanganu

aiso di suai andadon ya
nga tanak dagai kopogulu
tondu poh toi kusai oh tanak
ginowoon dagai ngoduo

sorou-sorou ku noh
ngaran do pomungaran yaa
au kaandad orikot oh timpu
au kaandad aiso kikibiton


**will translate it when have time**

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Broga Hill Hiking Trip

Brrooooogaaaaa Hiiiilll!! I just came back from Broga Hill with my church choir members, they organized a hiking trip there, and I decided to join them. Broga Hill is located at Semenyih, which, I don't quite know the details :-P

We start moving from church around 4 a.m., and we reached there around 50 minutes later. There were a couple of tolls on the way though... After reaching there, we gathered around for 20 minutes, had fellowship together and Bible-sharing together.

Around 5am we started the hiking, it was raining for a few minutes, but yet we decided to wait for 10 minutes, praise the Lord, the rain stopped not long after that. The path was dark, and I forgot to bring torchlight, all I have was a flashlight, which, I borrowed from a friend. At that time I remembered the word of God from Psalm 119:105- "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Without the light, we can't see in the dark.

At the highest peak, 400m

There were a few checkpoints, and at that time there were lot of people hiking as well. some parts are really steep, but then it still enjoyable to hike. We reached the highest peak around 6am, lots of groups were there, waiting for the sunrise. After resting there, we decided to use another way to went back, unfortunately, we got lost and we head back to the peak. From there we use the path that we use to come up to get down. It was fun when going down the hills, I run-sprint-jump and it was so cooolll!! :-D finally we reached the starting point, and we got ourself coconut juice (air kelapa haha), and it was around 8am.

The way that led us to unknown area :-P

While going down

The trip was awesome, thank you God for the protection, guidance and the whether. Yay!!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

10 file-sharing sites banned(Malaysia)

These are the list of the sites:


This situation has led into a cyber war, where hacker are planning to hack Malaysian government portal. A group called "Anonymous Hacker" are attempting to launch attack on the site. More info at

Wow, i guess we should also be aware for war in the net, not only real-life war.


Friday, June 10, 2011

SS501 members solo


It's a korean male group which consists of 5 members, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Hyung Jun, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min and Heo Young Saeng. All of them released their own solo except for Kyu Jong. Here are their solo's:

Kim Hyun Joong - Let Me Go + Please + Break Down [Solo Debut Stage]

Kim Hyung Jun - Girl
he have another solo also, titled "OH AH"

Heo Young Saeng - Let It Go

Park Jung Min - Not Alone

I believe that SS501 fans are waiting for Kyu Jong's solo release in the future, looking forward to that!

A fan of ss501


Monday, May 23, 2011

Ryuga, 10 yr old Drummer

Hey guys, check this kid, he is Ryuga, a japanese drummer, 10 years old... and he owns superb skills!! Great independence too... whoa, what a boy!!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Priest

***No spoiler***

Anyone already watched the movie "The Priest"? I watched it last night.


Fan, oh fan!

My laptop had been producing annoying sounds lately... The sound comes from the left corner of my laptop. and that is where the fan for cooling system located. The sound was like, the grass cutter machine, and it is a pain when hearing it(I guess because I'm the owner of the laptop)... its a notebook by the way :-P

After searching for online manual on how to disassemble, I decided to explore within the laptop. It takes around one hour to get to the fan, because laptop systems are differ from the desktop... I have been careful so that I would not lose any screws... If not I'm screwed. :-P

It was very dusty, the fan was full of dirt and the ventilator is stuck with dust. I cleaned it up, then assemble it back. Assembling it was faster than disassembling it :)

The laptop sounds much better than before, but the heat is still the same. I'm glad that I managed to fix the problem without sending it to the maintenance. Yay!!

Look for the koala :-P

Upper view of the lappy

The fan, blurry,(sorry, phonecam quality :))

By the way, the model for the notebook is HP Pavillion DV2-1100 series.


Monday, May 9, 2011


Waaaahhhhh!!! So panas!! It has been a hot week since the last rain last week... It's hot, even in the night!! This almost-desert-temperature weather is happening now!! Urrrgghhhh!!! Not comfortable with the heat.... I hope that it rains tommoroww... pleassseeee..... :-P

btw, I am watching MU vs Celsea right now, and MU is leading with 2-0. I am not in the either of this team, just for updates :)

So hot,


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Akademi Fantasia 9 Glass House

Yay! Finally I've got a chance to go and see for myself the "glass house" of Akademi Fantasia 9(AF9)! I only able to see it on my TV screen before...

Located in Aeou Au2 Setiawangsa Shopping Mall, the house is placed at the center of the mall. The mall was quite, hmm... less-busy. It was smaller than what it looks on TV. It feels great to see the candidates in real-life, especially seeing those from Sabah, Nera and Lena. Yeah, buli bah klau kau!! :-)

I'm thinking of going there for the second time with my friends, such a great experience to share!
Please vote for the Sabah ( ceh, promote!) :-P

Glass house, wait for the 2nd coming!~~

Aznil taking picture with his fans~

Students went out for their lunch~


Thursday, March 31, 2011


Ever heard the word bancau? It is created from the combination of;

"Bandung & cincau"

I saw that word when I went to a Sup Kaww, a food court near Giant Kelana Jaya, last tuesday night. Btw, bancau is a drink :-P Honestly, the taste is no different than cincau, but because of the name, it looks cooler :-P

Looking forward to drink another bancau!!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Meowww ~

Yeye, kami ada kucing d rumah!! Sbenarnya bkn sya punya, kwn sya Duncan, dia dpt dari kawan dia...

C meow masih kecil lg skrang... Manja oh tu kucing...


meow sdg tidur :-P

ni na muka meow : )


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My New Guitar

Yay! I finally have my own guitar!! It's acoustic btw... Bought it at Amcorp Mall with my housemate. It was rm269 at first, but we manage to get it for rm240 :-P My housemate said we can get lower than that...

The guitar is great, the weight and the size suits me... I have been wanting to have my own guitar here, since my black-color guitar is left at Sabah... hohoho...

Thank you God for this wonderful instrument! Next target, a drumset!! hahaha :-P


"Anyone wants to teach me guitar??"

Friday, February 18, 2011


Ala... putus sda gelang sya!!! Dri sabah pnya lagi tu... huhu... Tnggal satu lagi gelang sya di dunia ni... mana la tmpat mau cari gelang2 yg bagus ah....

Apapn, keep on happy :-P


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Church Family Day

Last Tuesday(15 Febuary 2011), our church SIB Petaling Jaya went for "Family Day" at MBS Rawang. MBS stands for Malaysia Bible Seminary. We spent the whole day there, 11am - 5pm.

So, what did I do? Well, I have the chance to play badminton! Gosh, I don't remember when is the last I played it... Because of that, I kept missing the shuttlecock... At least I have fun : )

I also did some dancing, well, actually it's poco-poco :-P It was hard at first, but I managed to catch up with the steps... Dancing with the mothers community was fun too! I get to know them better : )

After sweating a lot, I took a rest and then joined my friends in the swimming pool! Yay!! swimming!! Cramped once while swimming, but I managed to recover myself... So so so so exhausted...

As the conclusion (skema jga ni :-P), I super-duper-muper-dyper(??) enjoyed the day at MBS Rawang. It was a good to spend time with the church members, and get to know them more. Here are the swimming pool, in panorama, taken by me :-P

I'm looking forward for the next event!!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What am I Doing Now

Oh my, its Febuary and I still haven't add anything to my blog!! I guess I'll put some infos on what I'm doing now :-P


I'm currently watching this drama, funny one! Although sometimes it makes me gerigitan (geram- i dont know what is 'geram' in english LOL).


It was all started last week when my sister suggested me to try Ravenwood Fair, that was after I asked her what are the fun games in FB. :-P I kinda like it after playing it for quite a while.. Same goes to Cityville, but still, Ravenwood Fair is still my favourite : )

- - - - - - - -

Well, that's all for now, I am still trying to get my bloggy mood back. Cheers!!

"I need to change my blog layout, it looks so old :-P"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011




I have not been updating my blog for quite a time, not in the mood...

anyway, keep on cheering in 2011!!

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