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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My New Guitar

Yay! I finally have my own guitar!! It's acoustic btw... Bought it at Amcorp Mall with my housemate. It was rm269 at first, but we manage to get it for rm240 :-P My housemate said we can get lower than that...

The guitar is great, the weight and the size suits me... I have been wanting to have my own guitar here, since my black-color guitar is left at Sabah... hohoho...

Thank you God for this wonderful instrument! Next target, a drumset!! hahaha :-P


"Anyone wants to teach me guitar??"


  1. wow..can i borrow it bro?
    hahahaa.. nice by the way..:)

  2. no, you cannot borrow it.. hahaha..

    yah, lets jamm tugeder :-D

  3. waa..ada gitar suda. wait till i go back to sabah. sy mau kumpul duit dulu dsini. balik nanti sy mau beli.! kaler pink !


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