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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My New Guitar

Yay! I finally have my own guitar!! It's acoustic btw... Bought it at Amcorp Mall with my housemate. It was rm269 at first, but we manage to get it for rm240 :-P My housemate said we can get lower than that...

The guitar is great, the weight and the size suits me... I have been wanting to have my own guitar here, since my black-color guitar is left at Sabah... hohoho...

Thank you God for this wonderful instrument! Next target, a drumset!! hahaha :-P


"Anyone wants to teach me guitar??"

Friday, February 18, 2011


Ala... putus sda gelang sya!!! Dri sabah pnya lagi tu... huhu... Tnggal satu lagi gelang sya di dunia ni... mana la tmpat mau cari gelang2 yg bagus ah....

Apapn, keep on happy :-P


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Church Family Day

Last Tuesday(15 Febuary 2011), our church SIB Petaling Jaya went for "Family Day" at MBS Rawang. MBS stands for Malaysia Bible Seminary. We spent the whole day there, 11am - 5pm.

So, what did I do? Well, I have the chance to play badminton! Gosh, I don't remember when is the last I played it... Because of that, I kept missing the shuttlecock... At least I have fun : )

I also did some dancing, well, actually it's poco-poco :-P It was hard at first, but I managed to catch up with the steps... Dancing with the mothers community was fun too! I get to know them better : )

After sweating a lot, I took a rest and then joined my friends in the swimming pool! Yay!! swimming!! Cramped once while swimming, but I managed to recover myself... So so so so exhausted...

As the conclusion (skema jga ni :-P), I super-duper-muper-dyper(??) enjoyed the day at MBS Rawang. It was a good to spend time with the church members, and get to know them more. Here are the swimming pool, in panorama, taken by me :-P

I'm looking forward for the next event!!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What am I Doing Now

Oh my, its Febuary and I still haven't add anything to my blog!! I guess I'll put some infos on what I'm doing now :-P


I'm currently watching this drama, funny one! Although sometimes it makes me gerigitan (geram- i dont know what is 'geram' in english LOL).


It was all started last week when my sister suggested me to try Ravenwood Fair, that was after I asked her what are the fun games in FB. :-P I kinda like it after playing it for quite a while.. Same goes to Cityville, but still, Ravenwood Fair is still my favourite : )

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Well, that's all for now, I am still trying to get my bloggy mood back. Cheers!!

"I need to change my blog layout, it looks so old :-P"
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