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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Waa, its 25 December!! Merry Christmas to all! Some of you might not know what is the meaning in celebrating Christmas, it is to celebrate our saviour, Jesus Christ that has been born into this world long time ago.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

Christmas Eve
Our church was having service on the Christmas eve, it started around 9pm and ended at 11pm... I dun quite remember. After that my friends and I went to Uptown Damansara Pasar Malam(actually I dont what is the real name) just for sight-viewing. Our group consists of Al, Atoy, Wima, Stacey, Duncan, Lula, Viviane, Irish and myself.

The place is similar to Petaling Street, except that the shops in this area are mostly filled by malays. It was a big place, there are stalls that sell outfits, glasses, shoes.... and also animals. I got the chance to touch a yellow snake! Yay, weird feeling but a great experience :-) There are also stalls that sell toys. I bought myself a Chipmonk doll, cost me rm6. (Im not good at negotiating with people :-P) Others bought accessories, such as ring, with their name carved on it.

We was there until around 1pm when we decided to leave for home. That night I slept at Al's house.

Christmas Day
Service started at 9am, and pst. Miun from SIB Cheras Awana is preaching on that morning. After service we went for open house at Bro. Alfo house. It was my first time being in their new house, it was beautiful :-) Around 2pm we left the house to send Atoy to the airport. When arriving there, the atmosphere around the airport made me wanted to return to my hometown.. huhu, missing Sabah so much! I arrived at home later at 5pm, it was raining heavily.


Im so glad that I have the chance to celebrate Christmas, eventhough I am celebrating it not with my family, but I am with my family in Christ. Merry Christmas!

My rm6.00 Chipmunk :-P

** I wish I had a camera so that I can capture my moments of life**


Friday, December 17, 2010

Very The Cold

Huuhhh.... The day is very cold, from afternoon until now is raining, even the fan is switched off.... Very cold until i think twice for shower, but i should not not-shower, because its no good and not clean.... but i hope that it rain until tommorow so that can sleep enjoyly tonite...

Sorry, brain is freezing,...

better go to shower now, it will turn colder later...

Shivering kunun...


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Liu Wei

Have you heard of the name Liu Wei? I guess most of you dont know him. He is a 23 year old pianist from China, who won the China's Got Talent 2010 held a few months ago.

He was born normal, but at 10 years old, while he was playing hide and seek with his friends, he got electric shocked which causes the lost of both arms. He was blessed with great parents that keep on supporting him and give him courage to live as a normal person.

This is the audition that he attended at the beginning of the season :

"I think I only have two choices in life, either die now or live a wonderful life."

This is the final performance of him in the season:

Without both hands, he still manage to play piano and live like a normal person. I dont know what is the feeling of living without my two hands, it must be very-very-very hard.... But, what I know is, I have to use what God have given to me, and be grateful to what I have now.

We may be depressed or feeling down because of certain reasons, but remember, there are others who are worse than us, but they manage to overcome the situation and have a great life, and Liu Wei is one of them. So, enough complaining and live your life splendidly.

Live to inspire,


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Choir Performance

I just came home from Tropicanna Mall, where our church choir team performed christmas songs. It was my 1st time there, lots of christmas decoration there, very nice.... I am not a choir member, so I didnt perform with them...

So, what did I do? hehe, I took pictures of them performing, thanks to Viviane, because of her camera I am able take pictures, but not all of it... I hope that the pictures will be good, :-P

Anyway, its nice to see their performing, a great performance... Although lots of the choir member have went back to their hometown, they still can do it well, because everyone is doing the best they could. Cheers to them! : )

It was a great experience joining them, hmm, some of them asked me when should I join the choir... maybe next time? :-P

Here are some of the pics:

p/s : I kinda fall in love with dslr after using Viviane's camera :-P


Monday, November 29, 2010

The Week

Hmm... Brlalu sda minggu yg pnuh dgn cabaran2, mcm2 la ada! Dari kenaikan sampai keturunan, tiada kedudukan. (apa kaitan? :-P)

Summarize of the week(21 Nov - 27 Nov 2010)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Crita Lucu-Lucu

4 orang bakal ayah sedang menunggu di bilik menunggu di Hospital sementara isteri masing-masing sedang berjuang untuk melahirkan anak. Kemudian keluar nurse dan memberitahu kepada ayah pertama, "Tahniah, kamu sekarang telah menjadi ayah kepada kembar dua!". "Mungkin satu kebetulan" kata ayah pertama. " Saya bekerja di Twin Star Enterprised"...

Kemudian keluar pula nurse lain dan memberitahu kepada ayah kedua, "Tahniah! awak mendapat anak kembar tiga!" "Wooow!, mungkin satu kebetulan.." jawab ayah kedua."Saya kerja di 3M Corporation"...

Keluar pula nurse lain dan memberitahu ayah ke ketiga,"Congratulation! isteri you dapat kembar empat," "Alhamdulillah! Mungkin juga satu kebetulan". Saya kerja di Four Season Hotel!"

Pada masa ini ayah yang ke empat kelihatan amat tidak menentu dan gelisah. Kesemua ayah-ayah yang menunggu pun bertanya, "kenapa risau sangat??" Jawab ayah keempat,"Saya bekerja di Seven-eleven"...


Thursday, November 18, 2010


Td ba, lpas sya "membeli-belah" sna kedai runcit, sya trus balik la pgi rumah. Sampai ja d depan pintu rumah, bru sya sedar, ada kucing pla ikut2 sya, cumil tp comot! Mimang obvious la kucing urang sebab ada lonceng d leher dia.

Sya pgi sini, dia ikut. Sya pgi sana, dia ikut. Trus sya kasi masuk dia dlm rumah, skijap ja la....

Nda lama lpas tu sya keluar balik pgi buang sampah. Ada pula dia menunggu d depan pintu. aih... dia ikut sya pgi buang sampah jga. Sampai ja d rumah, sya buka pintu, trus laju dia masuk! Nda mau keluar lg tu! Dia betapuk d bawah sofa, sya pgi ambil dia, dia gigit tangan sya... ai, ni kucing kn, mmg kuat main oh... pas tu sya angkat dia, trus kasi keluar.

kjap, sya pgi cek dlu klau dia msh ada d luar atau nda....

oooooo..... Tiada sda..


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Times Square Theme Park Indoor

Waa... Im so tired! but yet enjoyed!

My church friends, Wilma, Rowena, Vivian, Ahtoy and myself went to Berjaya Times Square Indoor Theme Park after the sunday service and performance at SIB Wangsa Permai. We arrived there around 2pm.

After buying the ticket, we decided to go for the "Robo Crash", an entertaining-car-crashing-with-other-people game. Very fun! After that we went for the roller coster, waw... never ride one before, it feels so.... I cant explain it!(hehe) Next was the "Space Attack", that one was a really really really scary game! Im not good at explaining what and how the game was, but, it was something connected with speed and height. Totally scary. After that we tried "Dizzy-izzy", as the name suggested, it really makes me dizzy, until I was like sick for hours! It caused me to vomit a few times... ewww.....

We also tried a couple games that were designed for children. I think the train is the best one, when we were inside the cave, my friends outfit glowed in the dark. Coooooollll!! Before leaving, we did play the "Robo Crash" for a few times, it was great!

Today's experience is one of the most greatest experience that I will never forget. Thanks to Wilma, Rowena, Vivian and Ahtoy for the wonderful experience! But the most thanks is to our God Jesus Christ that have been guiding and protecting us through this day. Thanks God!

This is the picture, taken by Rowena, at the "Robo Crash" area, we took the picture the person who are in charge there at that time, a good person btw:


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trip To Zoo Negara

Yesterday(10.11.10), our class with other classes went to Zoo Negara as a volunteer, helping workers there. We have been assigned into a few groups, 5 person in a group. My group and I, which is Fadzil, Mus, Bob, Hafiz and I have been located to clean up the area of munyits(monkey) and birds.

What we have done is just gathered the dried leaves, help to feed the animals and clean the animals cage. Pretty fun, though.. hehe. Our team also had the chance to watch the animal show, it was at 11 am and 3pm. I also have the opportunity to watch animals that I only seen in TV before. The giraffe is very "high"- haha, and the Elephants are large! Sadly, I didnt see the penguins, crocs, and fish that have the same name with me, "Danio someting".. :-(

Well, everyone looked exhausted, but in the end, it was a great experience to be able to meet all kinds of animals and doing the volunteering works. I will be going there next time for sure, as a visitor.

Btw, it cost my friend and I rm40++ just for transport for this Zoo Negara trip, but, what is Rm40++ compared to happy memories at Zoo Negara, it is priceless.

This is me, taken by my friend Qayyim, nice;


Sunday, November 7, 2010


"Do we need more time? Or do we need to be more disciplined with the time we have?"


Kerry Johnson

Nice one,


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Main drum masa Sakit

Huih..... ssah mau focus la bila main drum msa sakit.... hanya dgn kekuatan dri Tuhan sja tu yg dpt mnolong... Syukur la smuanya bjalan dgn baik... ada la skit2 slack... hehe....

Thanks God


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Aiya.. tengah malam mcm ni pun ada urg mau main letup2... bagus klau palan bunyi dia, ini yg mcm bom atom ba! mcm mna la urg mau tidur ni.... stiap kali ada letupan, trus urg kluar beranda teriak2.... menggangu baitu letupan....

hee, bkn marah ni


Sunday, October 24, 2010

5A stick

Today I used my 5A vic firth drum stick with Peter Erskine signature, never taught that it was so good using that stick! I always taught that 5A sticks makes me uncomfortable... hehe, i should try it earlier!


Friday, October 8, 2010

From ENGLISH class

I remembered a conversation from my English class, the lecturer asked us a question, and it was something like this;

"If you are given a chance to live life again, what would you change?"

then a friend of mine answered,

"I wouldn't change anything. "

I kinda agree with what my friend said. I'm satisfied with my life now. Every good and bad things that I had experienced gave a different lesson to me.

Thank you God because You have given me a wonderful life, Im so grateful.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Skarang 6 oktober 2010, jam 12 stangah pm, online d library KLMU.... FB mcm tiba2 x dpt access, mungkin ada site problem... sedang tunggu kelas jam 2pm baini, lma lg...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stiap hari ka....

Waaaahhh.... ni sem stiap hari ada klas... sya mau juga yg ada satu hari off ka(mcm bekerja pula).. pleaaaaaassseeeee llaaaaa....



Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Waa.... sya masih rindu KK oh... kali klau bukan d KK mimang rindu Kk stiap masa ba kn... apapun, kehidupan perlu diteruskan, satu masa nanti balik KK jga tu...


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quote Of The Day

A great way to be confident is to focus on your strengths...And remember to smile

Saturday, September 4, 2010

People say, if you want to cool down after eating spicy food, you should drink hot/warm water instead of cold water. Why? because when you drink cold water, the spice will much increase than before.

kinda true....


Friday, September 3, 2010

Its september!!!!

Yahooooooo!!!! Finally, its september!! What's with september? ada laaa.....



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Qoute of the Day

This is taken from my mum's status at FB,

"..You can think best when you're happiest ..."

Love it,


A Day without I

Have you ever tried not using Internet for a day, even if you are able to surf it? I did. It was good. I can do a lot of other things, can focus more one my works... without get distracted by anything that is related with Inet.

Yeah, Inet is important, but... I dont want it too take lots of my time... perhaps I should reduce the usage of Inet in my daily life....

hee, its morning, so...

good morning


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nasi Lemak

Keblakangan ni asyik makan nasi lemak, knapa? sbab,

1) Sedap
2) Murah

Harap2 jerawat nda tumbuh la...


Monday, August 9, 2010

Time Machine

I love editing video, pics... audio. Sometimes, it feels like a time machine. I started editing at 9pm, the next thing I know is it was already 1 am. hee, I wanted to continue, but, there are other things more important, such as our health.

well... I guess it is time to sleep(definately :-P)



Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tired But Enjoyed

Waw... the 1st week of august was a busy week for me... I feel that that this coming weeks will be even busy than before... need to manage my time....


Even it's was busy, i enjoyed doing all the works... because God gave me the strength that i needed...

Thank you God,


Friday, August 6, 2010


I got this pic from a friend, its so cute!! I mean, the dog and the cat...


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2 Days!!

Yay, i manage to survive without Internet for 2 days! heeeee~


Monday, July 26, 2010

Words of wisdom

I got this from my mum's status at FB this morning,

"Hard work makes you stronger. Mistakes makes you smarter. Success keeps you in shape. Sadness makes you human. Happiness makes you sweet.."


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bee Zee

Sem ni merupakan sem yg busy bagi aku. Byk kerja. Tapi aku takkan berputus asa. Aku tetap akan mnyiapkan semua kerja yg diberikan!

(ai, napa pula "aku aku" ni kali)


Friday, July 9, 2010


Uiii...... tadi ada lipas dlm rumah!! Sya berjaya juga membunuhnya... hahaha.... lama suda sya nda nampak lipas oh...

anyway, gudnite everyone!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hmmmm..... dlm dunia ini mungkin ada urang lain yg sama muka dgn kita, mungkin sama tinggi, atau sama kurus, atau sama cantik.... tapi urang tu tidak akan pernah menjadi seperti kita, kerana, stiap urang pasti berbeza, tidak akan pernah sama.

Just a thought for this morning


Friday, July 2, 2010


Rindunya mau jamming lagu2 jazz.... smooth jazz, swing, funk.... hehe....

hmm, bila la terjamming ni ah


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sem baru

Hari ni start sem baru, tadi pagi kelas English 5, Sir Mus lecturer dia.... cuma brief skit2 ja, trus balik.



Thursday, June 17, 2010


FB now implemented a system where user can "like" someone's comment, not only their status. Check this out :



Saturday, May 29, 2010

blog editing

I think I should change the pic for my blog.... perhaps later, so busy right now



Hari ini satu hari d cuc, sama mcm kemarin... ada seminar sampai jam 4pm, trus jam 6:30 pm latihan utk kebaktian, p makan, akhirnya sampai rumah jam 10pm tadi.... buli tahan juga...

Thanks God for giving me strength


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Untuk kelas Understanding Business hari ini, kelas telah mengadakan LASABEL(Lawatan Sambil Belajar) diSSM atau lebih dkenali sbg Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia. Lawatan ini telah dirancang beberapa minggu lebih awal. Kami didedahkan tentang bgmn cara utk mbuka suatu perniagaan atau syarikat. Lawatan bermula dari 2pm hingga 5++pm. Kami juga dpt naik sehingga tingkat 10, 17,18 dan 21. hahaha.....

Anyway, tadi hujan

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Waa, hari ini submit 3D assignment, ni la screenshot 3D kitchen sya :

Lpas tu ada meeting, kira mcm presentation la, itu masa subjek English....

Trus lunch di McD, sama2 dgn Hafiz, Hafizal n Man Hon, semua Sabah ;-P

MidTerm utk subjek Profesional Development pula buat 2 esei...

Lpas siap tu, cancel pula klas Understanding Business....

so.... hari ni, happy


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Our 3rd task for 3D Animation subject requires the student to create a kitchen model. So, I'm going to start constructing the blue prints(haha) for my 3D chicken, opps, its kitchen :-P


Monday, May 3, 2010

FB : Service Unavailable

I tried to connect to Facebook today and guess what, I get this :

Still couldn't connect now, gonna do something else while waiting

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My "Profesional Development" Classroom

So... uhm.. this is my classroom for PD subject, taken while I'm still alone in the class hihi~


Friday, April 16, 2010

PaZ's Harmonica

Ni na Harmonica sya beli tadi..... Baru mau blajar main, beginner level...
siuk juga oh...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

10 April 2009

Huih! Hari yang memenatkan....

Sya dengan housemates sya, kami 4 orang, mau p Jusco utk cari barang,.. Jusco bukanlah jauh sangat, boleh jalan kaki, boleh naik bas....

Sampai d sana barang yg kami cari tiada pula, sya end up with buying other things...

Lpas tu, kami check d Carrefour, di sana pun tiada juga! akhirnya sya dan roomate beli kipas utk kami, dia beli meja utk komputer dia...

lpas tu malam, kami start re-arrange barang2 dlm bilik... huh, sampai jam 11 pm lebih.... buli tahan la.... penat....

Sorry, tiada gambar, nanti la lpas ada kamera baru simpan gambar...


Saturday, April 10, 2010

College 8 April 2010

Ni na tym sya habis klas Digital Imaging, awal siap, jam 10 am lebih..... Gambar diambil oleh seorang kawan...

i pula sblum klas jam 2pm, aaa.... klas Undersatnding business, yg baju hijau tu kawan sya dari diploma lagi... urang Sabah juga ba...


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Times Square > Low Yat > Sungei Wang

Today, after class at 12pm, I went to Times Square to browse for some outfits, then Low Yat for computer gadgets and Sungei Wang for my drum equips... I did buy something for myself though...

feels tired ...


Saturday, April 3, 2010


aiya, sya lupa la hari ni atm down sampai jam 3pm.... klau ambil duit pakai atm yg ada MEPS buli ka tu?


Friday, April 2, 2010

Prison Break

I just started watching the 1st season for Prison Break, what can I say is that it gives me nervous all the time!! haah


Thursday, April 1, 2010

This morning....

This morning I ada klas "Digital Imaging". Tym I arrive dkat klas, I nampak 1 student ni brdiri in front of the kelas, I pgi dkat dgn dia, then dia asked, "Is this the class for Digital Imaging?" Then I reply la, "yes..." trus kitaorang sembang2, dlm english...

sembang punya sembang, I tanye la dia asal mane... then dia answer, "Sabah.." wah, urang Sabah ba pula!! Tapi sya pun rasa mcm dia dari Sabah ba, cuma kan kitaorang sembang dlm BI.... rasa lucu pula... tapi nda pa, improve juga ba english sya....

ala, sya lupa la nama dia :-P

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

KISAH 3 MAYAT MATI SENYUM, sorita baini.....

Seorang pegawai polis masuk ke bilik mayat sebuah hospital untuk menyiasat punca kematian tiga lelaki sekaligus. Selepas memeriksa mayat-mayat itu, dia bertanya kepada penjaga bilik mayat berkenaan.

Polis : “Mengapa ketiga-tiga mayat tersenyum?”

Penjaga : “Lelaki pertama sedang bersanding, apabila tiba2 diserang strok. Lelaki kedua pula khabarnya menang loteri dan mati serangan sakit jantung manakala yg ketiga disambar petir.”

Polis : “Hah! Kenapa disambar petir pun tersenyum?”

Penjaga : “Masa tu dia ingat orang sedang ambil gambarnya!”

Drum Updates

Syoknya main drum!!

hmm, klau nda silap, ni tym seminar di church, buat gaya pipi kambang (maggie sya suda kambang, hahaha)

Anyway, this saturday there will be a drum workshop by Wagner Daniel at SIB Brickfield, I'm so excited!!

PaZKarL wants to learn something new


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Drum sticks

There are two drumsticks that I would like now :

American Jazz AJ5

The thinnest stick in the entire catalog! Built with great balance in mind‚ making it light and easy to play.
L = 16" | Dia. = .490"

American Jazz AJ2

A 5A shaft for a light touch.
L = 16" | Dia. = .565"

Source :

Syok ni klau ada dua-dua

Tiada kelas......

Hehe... rupanya tiada kelas pula hari ni, start blajar hari khamis... tetap happy ^_^

Monday, March 29, 2010


Baru siap custom blog.... baru habis hujan juga.... hari ni register subjek untuk sem 4... jadual, mm,okay2 la, Isnin tiada kelas.... Aik, wangi nasi guring, dari mana lagi ni....

Anyway, tu pic yang sya baru ambil tadi hehe ^_^

Nanti-nanti la...

Nanti la baru customize ni blog....
Testing post gambar ^_^

First start

Yeah, I have my own blog!! :-P
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